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Wix vs Etsy: Pros, Cons, and Key Differences

Are you torn between selling on Etsy or building your own online store with Wix? It’s a tough decision, and you're not alone in wondering which platform is the better choice for your business. Both Wix and Etsy offer unique advantages, but they serve different needs. Maybe you’re asking yourself, “Do I need a fully customizable website or should I stick with a marketplace where buyers are already browsing?” This is a common dilemma, especially for creatives and small business owners.

wix vs etsy

If you’re a creative making handmade items or a business owner trying to grow your brand, picking the right platform is super important. In this blog, we’ll break down the pros, cons, and key differences between Wix and Etsy, so you can figure out which one works best for your business. Whether you’ve considered Weebly vs Wix or even Wix vs Shopify in the past, this guide will give you a clear idea of how Wix and Etsy measure up.

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To start, it’s helpful to understand the basic functions of each platform. So, let’s jump right into it. 

Overview of Wix 

Wix is a website builder that gives users full control to create their own professional websites. Whether you need a personal blog, an online store, or a portfolio, Wix provides you with templates and tools to design and customize your site exactly how you want it. With Wix blog templates and Wix ecommerce templates, the platform makes it easy to create a unique website with added features like SEO tools, analytics, and more.

Wix is widely known for its flexibility and customization options, making it an attractive choice for people who want full control over their website. Below, we’ll explore the pros and cons of using Wix.

Pros of Using Wix:

  • Wix allows you to create a website from scratch, choosing from a variety of Wix blog templates and Wix ecommerce templates. You can design every page to match your brand’s look and feel.

  • The drag-and-drop interface is extremely user-friendly, even for beginners. You don’t need any coding knowledge to create a professional-looking website.

  • Wix provides essential SEO features to help your site rank higher on search engines like Google. This means better visibility and more traffic to your online store.

  • The Wix App Market has hundreds of apps that can add functionality to your site, from live chat to email marketing tools. These apps can help you connect with your audience and increase sales.

  • For users looking to sell online, Wix offers powerful ecommerce features like inventory management, product galleries, and integrated payment systems. This makes Wix a solid choice for running an online store.

  • Wix offers flexible pricing, so you can start with a basic plan and upgrade as your business grows.

Cons of Using Wix:

  • While Wix is great for small businesses and personal websites, it may not be the best option for larger businesses with complex needs.

  • Though Wix provides e-commerce features, you’ll still face transaction fees for each sale, which can eat into your profit margins.

  • While the basic interface is simple, mastering all of the advanced features can take time.

Overview of Etsy

Etsy, on the other hand, is a marketplace specifically for handmade goods, vintage items, and craft supplies. Sellers can create individual shops on Etsy, but they don’t have control over the overall design or customization like they would on a platform like Wix. However, Etsy comes with a built-in audience of millions of shoppers who are already browsing the site looking for unique, handmade items.

Etsy is a marketplace, not a website builder, but it has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Let’s break down its pros and cons:

Pros of Using Etsy:

  • Etsy has millions of active buyers who are specifically looking for unique and handmade items. This built-in audience makes it easier for new sellers to get started.

  • Setting up a shop on Etsy is quick and easy. You don’t have to worry about designing a website or managing hosting.

  • Etsy is well-known for attracting creative sellers, such as artists, jewelry makers, and craft enthusiasts. If you fall into this category, Etsy’s audience is likely to appreciate your work.

  • Etsy handles payment processing for you, making it convenient for sellers.

Cons of Using Etsy:

  • Unlike Wix, Etsy doesn’t give you much control over the look and feel of your shop. All Etsy shops look more or less the same.

  • Etsy charges listing fees, transaction fees, and payment processing fees, which can add up quickly.

  • Because there are so many sellers on Etsy, it can be difficult to stand out. You may need to spend extra time on marketing to get your products noticed.

Key Differences Between Wix and Etsy

Now that we’ve gone over the pros and cons of each platform, let’s discuss some of the key differences between Wix and Etsy.

  1. Customization: Wix allows you to create a fully customized website with complete control over design and layout. Etsy, on the other hand, limits customization and focuses on a standardized shop format.

  2. Audience: Etsy provides immediate access to a large, built-in audience, while Wix requires you to drive traffic to your website on your own.

  3. Fees: Etsy charges several different types of fees, including listing and transaction fees. With Wix, you only pay for your chosen plan and any optional apps or features.

  4. Ownership: On Wix, you own your website and have complete control. On Etsy, you’re operating within their marketplace, so you’re subject to their rules and policies.

Who Should Choose Wix?

If you’re looking for complete control over your website’s design and functionality, why choose Wix? Wix is ideal for entrepreneurs, freelancers, and small business owners who want to build their brand and have full control over their online store. If you need features like blogging (thanks to Wix blog templates) or advanced ecommerce options (such as Wix ecommerce features), then Wix is a great choice.

Wix also stands out when compared to other website builders like Weebly vs Wix. While both platforms offer easy-to-use tools, Wix provides more design flexibility and features, making it a better option for those who want a highly personalized website.

Etsy is perfect for sellers who want to quickly get started with minimal setup. If you’re an artist, craftsperson, or anyone selling handmade items, Etsy’s built-in audience can help you gain exposure without the hassle of building and managing a full website. However, keep in mind that you’ll have limited control over customization and higher fees.

Wix vs Etsy for E-commerce: What’s Best for Your Store?

For sellers focused on growing a brand and expanding their online presence, Wix is the stronger platform. It offers better flexibility, features like Wix ecommerce templates, and scalability. If you're debating between Wix vs Shopify, it’s worth noting that Wix offers similar ecommerce capabilities, but with more customization options at a lower price point.

On the other hand, if you’re just getting started and want a simple way to sell creative products, Etsy’s marketplace might be the easier choice. It’s ready-made for small-scale sellers looking to take advantage of a ready-made customer base.


Both platforms serve different purposes, but they can both be valuable depending on your goals. Wix is best for those who want full control over their website and are willing to put in the effort to drive traffic. Etsy, meanwhile, is ideal for sellers who want a quick and easy way to reach a niche market of craft and vintage buyers.

While both platforms have their strengths, Wix’s ecommerce features and customization make it a more versatile choice for long-term growth. So, whether you're deciding between Wix vs Shopify or exploring other options like Etsy, understanding what each platform offers will help you make the right decision for your online store.


Can I use both Wix and Etsy together? 

Yes, some sellers use Wix to build a branded website while also maintaining an Etsy shop to take advantage of Etsy’s built-in audience.

Does Wix charge transaction fees? 

Wix does not charge additional transaction fees on top of what payment processors like PayPal or Stripe may charge, but you’ll need to subscribe to a premium plan for ecommerce features.

Can I customize my Etsy shop like I can with Wix? 

No, Etsy offers limited customization options compared to Wix, which allows full control over the design and functionality of your site.

Which is cheaper: Wix or Etsy? 

It depends on your needs. Wix requires a monthly plan for a custom website, while Etsy charges listing and transaction fees. For large stores, Wix may be more cost-effective in the long run.

How does Wix compare to other website builders? 

When comparing Wix with other website builders, Wix offers more advanced design flexibility and ecommerce features, making it a stronger option for businesses looking to grow their online presence.

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